What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag for an Outing with a Newborn

Did you realize having a baby would mean carrying around a small household’s worth of stuff every time you leave the house?
Welcome to parenthood.
What’s the danger of finding yourself with a poorly packed diaper bag? That moment could range from minor frustration to full on apocalyptic poop catastrophe.
Diaper Bag Essentials for Newborn
So here’s a diaper bag checklist of what you need for an outing with your new baby.
This seems obvious, but it’s easier than you’d think to get so caught up in packing everything else you forget the diapers. Bring more than you think you’ll need (at least one for every 2 hours you’ll be away from home).
You never know when a poopsplosion is going to happen, so again, bring more than you think you’ll need. Wiping your baby’s butt with a pack of tissues you found in the glove compartment of your car is miserable for everyone.
Changing pad
You will invariably find yourself changing your child’s diaper on a dirty picnic table or the floor of a gas station bathroom that doesn’t have a changing table. You’ll want that pad.
Empty bag for soiled clothes
If your baby does have a blowout, you want some way to contain the mess. Otherwise, you’ll be choosing between throwing poop-filled clothes straight into your bag or throwing them away. (Pro tip: a roll of doggie poop bags is the perfect thing to have in your bag just in case.)
Change of clothes
Babies are quite possibly the messiest creatures on earth. Between blow-outs, spit-up, and leaks, you’ll be glad to have the extra clothes on hand.
Burp cloths
A burp cloth over your shoulder may save your shirt from spit-up. They’re also handy for wiping down surfaces, cleaning off baby’s face, and acting as a quick changing pad.
Pacifier/Teething Toys
You never want to be without a pacifier if it’s something your baby relies on for comfort. Bring an extra one along. And teething pain can crop up any time, so throw in some teething toys if your baby doesn’t use a pacifier.
Food for Baby
Bring as much formula, pumped breastmilk, or baby food as you’ll need for the time you’ll be out.
Nursing Accessories
If you’re nursing, you may want nursing pads, a nursing cover, or extra burp cloths — whatever you need to feel comfortable during a feeding.
Bring toys that will keep your little one entertained while you eat dinner out or chat with friends. Mobiles that can strap onto a stroller or car seat handle, rattles, and teething toys give their eyes and hands something to do.
Diaper Ointment
Baby bums spend a lot of time with moisture up against them, and that can cause rashes. Have ointment on hand for every diaper change, especially if your baby is prone to rashes or yeast infections.
Diaper Bag Essentials for Caregivers
Hey, you’re a person too!
All that baby carrying can get exhausting. Make sure you pack a water bottle so you stay hydrated.
Stay nourished. Your plans may change. You may decide to skip that stop at the bakery because the baby fell asleep in the car and now you’re going to drive around in circles for the next 40 minutes. Make sure you have a little something to munch on.
Change of clothes
Not everyone has room for a full change of clothes for an adult, but it could come in handy. If your baby regularly spits up on you so much that you have to change your clothes, consider bringing at least an extra shirt.
Preparation is the name of the game when it comes to outings with your baby — especially if you’re a new parent. It’s better to have a little too much in your diaper bag than to end up heading back home because you don’t have something you need.
That being said, you’ve entered a club of pretty helpful people. Most parents have been there before and will be happy to hunt through their diaper bag to help you out with a few wipes or a diaper in an emergency.